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  The Cape Fear Chapter MOAA : The Cape Fear Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Reaching Out: ROTC Scholarships and Awards

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November 7, 2021

MOAA leadership medals and certificates for outstanding leadership were presented by LTC (Ret) Marty Williams, 3rd Vice President for ROTC Affairs, to four exemplary ROTC cadets.

The four award recipients were (left to right): Cadet Brandi Tucker, Methodist University; Cadet Rebecca Lewis, Campbell University; Cadet Mathew Noonan, Fayetteville State University; and Cadet Miranda Lee, UNC Pembroke.

The presentation took place on a chilly and breezy Sunday morning at a Fort Bragg training area at the conclusion of FTX Trailblazer which is the Campbell ROTC Battalion annual year-end field training exercise. During the FTX cadets demonstrate their leadership and soldiering skills such as land navigation, patrolling, camouflage, first aid, among other tasks. The FTX also tests their physical fitness for combat.

The assembly consisted of a formation of 160 to 200 cadets and cadre in four companies representing each university cohort in the battalion.

The future of our military is in good hands with prospective officers like these cadets of the Campbell University Army ROTC Battalion!

Posted 11/17/21 18:10 by CFMOAA Under ROTC Scholarships and Awards Permalink 1637190645