by Juan Chavez
It is a distinct pleasure to announce that the recipient of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2015 is Mrs. Tammy Beshlin. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow on one of its members.
Tammy was recognized for sustained outstanding service to the chapter as Golf Tournament Director, and Chairperson of the Golf Tournament Committee for the past three years. During that period, Tammy, through her leadership and managerial acumen, was instrumental in raising over $60,000 for the ROTC Scholarship Fund.
Tammy, wife of chapter member LTC (Ret) Dave Beshlin, is the first female recipient of the DeMeter award since its inception in 1998, as well as the first chapter spouse to earn this distinction. Tammy was officially presented the DeMeter trophy by Juan Chavez, Chapter President at our March 17, 2016 general membership meeting.
Congratulations Tammy, you are deserving of every ounce of admiration and gratitude from every member of our chapter for your dedicated service to the chapter.