02-2021-(No-February-issue-published)pdf (22.7 Kb)
03-2021-(No-March-issue-published)pdf (22.1 Kb)
04-2021-(No-April-issue-published)pdf (22.2 Kb)
05-2021-(No-May-issue-published)pdf (21.7 Kb)
06-2021-(No-June-issue-published).pdf (21.6 Kb)
07-2021-(No-July-issue-published).pdf (22.1 Kb)
08-2021-(No-August-issue-published).pdf (21.8 Kb)
09-2021-(No-Septemberissue-published).pdf (22.1 Kb)
10-2021-(No-October-issue-published).pdf (21.8 Kb)
11-2021-(No-November-issue-published).pdf (21.9 Kb)
12-2021-(No-December-issue-published).pdf (22 Kb)
2021 Cape Fear Chapter Infograms
The Infogram is the chapter's monthly newsletter in digital format only and distributed electronically each month. Links to the Infogram can be accessed by clicking open the download bar under the thumbnail.
(Note: Publication of the monthly newsletter "Infogram" was discontinued after the January 2021 issue due to medical incapacitation of Newsletter Editor. Looking for volunteer to take over this position. )
Current Issue Post Info